Institution Date: June 24, 1917
Regent: Barbara Voshell
Vice Regent: Diana Stewart
Recording Secretary: Barb Rundle
Financial Secretary: Susan Imoehl
Treasurer: Amanda Stahley
Chaplain: Deacon Jim Patera
Court Mailing Address: 2609 S Frederick, Lot 36, Oelwein, IA, 50662
Regent Email: [email protected]
District Deputy: Lois Gaffney [email protected]
New Officers for 2024-2026: Treasurer Amanda Stahley, Recording Secretary Barb Rundle, Regent Barb Voshell, Vice Regent Diana Stewart and Financial Secretary Sue Imoehl.
Diana Stewart, DD of Court Cedar Rapids #1768, & Court Little Flower #814, West Union &Vice Regent of Court Rita, #321 was the official GRINCH for the 2022 Old Tyme Christmas parade in Oelwein. A record $18,000 was raised for the Oelwein Community Kitchen Cupboard. This amount almost doubled the highest history ever collected!
Newly installed officers: Frt, L -R: Treasurer Sandy Magsamen, Financial Secretary Sue Imoehl, Regent Barb Voshell, Vice Regent Diana Stewart,Recording Secretary Cheryl Patera. Bk: Flag bearer Mary Reeder, District Deputy Lois Gaffney, State Regent Rita Carlson, & Ceremonial Coordinator Linda Ridihalgh.
Court Runs/Walks for Love, 2022 Fall Share Magazine
Members celebrated their patron saint's feast day on May22 by attending Mass as a body and receiving Holy Communion together. Pictured Frt. r-l: Pat Vinson, Regent Barb Vosell, Nancy Kastli who served as lector, Barb Vandersee. Bk: Wanda Heitz, Linda Ridihalgh, Diane Stejskal,Kathryn Stejskal. Participating members not pictured are Tammy Stasi who served as Eucharistic Minister and Barb Ehlers who served as a Hospitality Minister.